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2005-05-17 - 9:14 p.m.

Response to AimeeLori's Entry

I actually made dinner again!!! Of course, it was just tuna noodle casserole, but it was homemade with pepper and paprika!! I�m starting to feel very homey.

It reminded me of when I used to hang out at redtoaster�s. That girl could make a six course meal outta ketchup packs, tuna, and rice. I can�t fathom what could be made with that, but I bet she could.

I always had a high regard for her, because no matter what, she always was a good homemaker. She�d keep her house nice and tidy, meals made for the family, and still find time to work and do her nails. She finds stuff all the time and would make really neat stuff out of it. You could give her ten dollars to live off of for the month and sure enough she�d find some way to squeak by.

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Have I mentioned I love my job? I was just thinking this as I walked out the building today knowing full well that I would be busy tonight working on more reports. Oddly enough even though I�m being worked to death, I�m glad I�m not doing something mundane. I love the challenge!!

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Okay, onto something else�

I loved aimeelori�s diary entry. ( All things theological and philosophical just get me all ramped up. I said in her comments section that I would probably respond to her entry, and so here it goes�

�I think, therefore I am.� I think I only agreed with this saying from Descartes on the surface. I always had problems with this statement. I mean there are a tons of people who I KNOW don�t think, so why do they exist? It�s very egotistical to say in the least. But this was the standard at the time as you pointed out. I almost expect this kind of comment to be made by Machiavelli instead of Descartes.

Yes, we are always trying to fit the world to our needs�especially men, but that�s a topic for another day. One mentality that I always find amusing is the whole morbid idea of the world �coming to an end�. Silly people! The world will be around for ages. It�s the life forms on it that will come to an end. And quite honestly, don�t you really only care about YOUR world coming to an end? There are tons of people in the war whose world is coming to end, but you don�t seem to give a rat�s ass about them.

Buddhism is a great teaching. I always thought if I weren�t Christian I would definitely be Buddhist. However, the older me is almost to the point of subscribing to no one religion. Most of them are the same anyway. One of the ideas I greatly appreciated in Buddhism is to accept people for who they are. Christianity used to be that way, but some men fucked that up too.

Hmmm, righteousness is a tricky one. I know you pointed out the weakness of at least one definition, however all three could be argued against. Once again, who�s morals are we judging by?? One of the things that have cracked me up about religion and faith of late (okay not so much cracked me up as pissed me off) is the idea that any one religion trumps another. Who�s to say your god isn�t the same as mine but with a different name and different people telling the story. Speaking of which, once again we had men writing our history. Should we really accept this as cold hard truth knowing that? I don�t think so.

�We are no more, and no better, than anything else laying around outside on the ground.�

Hmmm, unfortunately many people don�t see this way anymore. They feel everyone should focus on them and what they do or believe. They have absolutely no respect for others. It amazes me when I have an argument with someone and they feel that whatever they have experienced in life is the way it works for everyone. They refuse to share opinions, ideas, and experiences with anyone because they�re blind beyond their own realm of experiences. It�s sad, isn�t it? You would have thought hundreds of years of literature, great philosophers, access to great works and fluid communication would have gotten us a lot farther. But then again men have been in charge for most of that time.

But what do I know?? I�m just a liberated woman who respects other people�s opinions and ideas and has a formal education. Pushaw!

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Almost posted�then I started reading my post over for any errors. How odd that I start a post glorifying homemakers and end with a sentence about a liberated woman. But that�s it in a nutshell isn�t it?? I have the freedom to CHOOSE. I�m not obligated to work because my mother fought for the right. Simply the ability to choose what I think is best for me and my family.

Okay, I�m stepping off my pedestal. Whoop, there I go. Back to �According to Jim� to rot out my brain a little more.

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