
cloudy - 2005-06-15 17:01:02
I had some catching up to do, that was great. Have fun with the cold sore, does not sound pleasant. I was sorry to hear about your uncle & will send my good thoughts your/his way.
onyx - 2005-06-15 18:29:28
Thanks cloudy!!
hippo - 2005-06-16 06:25:14
I would also like to know what it is like to be in a coma. I think it would be weird. I heard about a woman that went into a coma (years ago now). She was in it for quite a long time and also suffered some memory loss. She woke up and thought it was .... let's say for the sake of it.... 10 years ealier. She was astonished how expensive everything had gotten and how things had changed. Never mind. Anyway, I hope your uncle comes out of it. I don't understand why the hell it costs so much to get your blood typed. Don't they do that anyway when you donate blood? I am an A+ ..... I stopped donating a long time ago because the chick sticking me blew a vien... it freaked me out... had a bubble of blood the size of a golf ball on my arm... bleh. Put ear wax on your cold sore. It works. Saw it on Oprah years ago...some doctor w/ home remidies. xxx
Trac - 2005-06-16 10:51:10
Put earwax on your cold sore???? - YUK!

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